Local Technologies for climate action catalog
Research Team
- Tomas Ariztia (Principal Investigator)
- Aline Bravo (Co-Investigator)
This project is funded by the National Research Agency (ANID) and Universidad Diego Portales Research Fund.
The catalog of local technologies for climate action is a curated platform to showcase and disseminate various artifacts and or processes developed by local communities in different territories of Chile which are based on common knowledge. These technologies are oriented towards addressing or mitigating specific socio-environmental issues that raise in different territories. The technologies presented here have been developed and/or adapted by individuals or local organizations based on their capacities and knowledge. We have organized the technologies into different categories that you can select according to your interest. The catalog is an active and open project where new technologies are regularly uploaded to the platform. To date, it includes XX cataloged technologies. More information here: tecnologiaslocales.cl